Friday, October 22, 2010

Grocery List

  Yes, I am very OCD organized. So, I got tired of rewriting my list every time I went to do our "big" grocery shopping. This new list is specifically for that time, which is about once a month. I haven't gotten to the "every 2 weeks" point yet. We do still need to go out for things like bread, milk, and fruits, but for the most part I can get away with everything else once a month.   This did take several months to complete. I needed to make sure I had EVERYTHING that we buy, maybe not monthly, but everything that we could possibly need to go to the store for at some point. I also wanted things listed together by aisle. I pratically had this memorized, and then the store decided to rearrange every aisle!! Grrr.... But, after several months of going to the store and writing the aisle number next to what we were buying (yes, I'm nuts), I was able to put this together. My inner organizing, crazy person was very satisfied with the outcome!!!