Thursday, January 5, 2012


Can I be honest?

I started this blog because I love to write. I may not be great at it, but I enjoy it. If I am completely honest though, I thought that by blogging, I could somehow be one of those super blogger mommies. I was going to blog daily about our amazing homeschooling accomplishments. I thought surely that by blogging I would suddenly be able to do all the perfect things that these super blogger moms were doing with their kids. I would miraculously have a super, amazing homeschool room with every educational toy and game filling my shelves.

I think I forgot myself for a minute. I, by nature, am not an original, creative person when it comes to awesome curriculum ideas and projects for my girls. I have my moments, but more often, I see an idea somewhere that I am able to build on. I also realize that we don't have the space for the homeschool room that I have all put together in my head, nor do we have the finances for all of hose educational games, toys, and extra curriculum. Sometimes we don't even have money for craft supplies.

Do I still wish that could miraculously turn into super homeschool mommy? I'd be lying if I said no, but I would like to take baby steps towards it. I don't think that all the other moms are perfect. I know everyone has their days, but I also know I need those ladies who so freely give their time and energy to help and inspire me.

For myself, I need to reevaluate why I wanted to blog in the first place. So... While I won't be blogging every day about our amazing successes, I will try to blog a few couple once a week about what is working, what isn't, and how I'd like to make it better. I will definitely still share when I've actually managed to have an awesome homeschool day, have the dishes done, house straightened up, laundry finished, and a home cooked meal on the table all in the same day. A rare occasion, I assure you.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post:) So true for me. I homeschool with such a inner passion because I KNOW this is what we are supposed to do and it is the right thing....but yet it is my most dreaded thing to do almost every day! Awful isn't it? I have all these fantastic ideas in my head that I would love to materialize in my school room. But money, effort, time, ect. make that all NOT happen.

    But at the end of the day I know my children love the Lord and love this message and that brings me peace.
    Have a lovely day! Lord Bless
